“Kinesiology is a complementary health energy therapy for stress. It uses muscle testing, acupressure, essential oils, flower remedies and positive psychological affirmations.”
What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a complementary health energy therapy for stress. It uses muscle testing, acupressure, essential oils, flower remedies and positive psychological affirmations. Allergy testing will often be done during the session or as a separate session. It connects with the inner body intelligence that is held in the heart, mind and higher self.
How does kinesiology work?
Each muscle has a connection with an organ, gland or function and acupressure points as well as an emotion group and chakra. Stresses in the body system are 'read' by the kinesiologist and balanced with acupressure, essential oils and flower remedies, nutrional supplements and psychological statments.
Why do people have kinesiology treatments?
It is used for stress and allergy testing and treatment. Relationship breakdown, work and exam pressure, detoxing, concentration and focus, digestive problems, hormone balancing, skin conditions, electro-magnetic pollution and healing emotional pain from their life experience. It connects a person with their clear soul path and akashik record for their highest good.
How does kinesiology feel?
It is relaxing and clients feel clearer about their life, less brain fog, and energised. In some cases an evening of rest is needed afterwards to allow the body to incorporate change from the healing.
What can I expect during my treatment?
Kinesiology is done fully clothed lying on a treatment couch. The main systems of liver, digestion, kidneys and adrenals are checked as to their currrent status and then the kinesiologist carries out balances on the priorities that needs support - using acupressure, a specific muscle tested thought; essential oil. Often there is also a flower vibration remedy, or nutritional supplement to get and take for a few weeks to support the kinesiology energy work.
Kinesiology (First Session) 75 min
Kinesiology 60 min
Contact Claudia on 020 7272 4121 or kinesiologylondon@yahoo.co.uk